Are you living under a curse? Do you know God’s rules for blessings and curses. You might be thinking, “How can you ask that question when Jesus died to set me free from the curse?” But if you haven’t yet entered the fullness of everything the Lord has for you, then you need to ask yourself the question, Am I living under a curse, and if so, how do I get set free?” For whoever the Son sets free, is free indeed.
I want to share this message from Derek Prince about Release From Curses, as it has become very important to me in recent weeks. Our leadership is standing in the gap for one another and others as I believe this is the time that the Lord wants to set free those whom He has called for his end-time work and purposes.
In the 1970s Derek Prince began to unfold for believers an astonishing, life-changing teaching from the Scriptures that few people had ever heard. It was a message about blessings and curses and how to know if you had appropriated all that Yahshua’s (Jesus) death and resurrection had bought you. The message was based on Galatians 3:13–14:
“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one who hangs on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”

Derek’s teaching was that many Christian’s live life under a curse and not in the fullness of what Christ’s substitution had guaranteed. He systematically used Scriptures and life experiences to bring you to a place to know for certain whether a curse was impacting the quality of your life, and if so, he laid out the steps necessary to be released from the curse and enter the promise.
This startling revelation—which he would continue to develop and gain spiritual insight about over the next three decades—has profoundly influenced several generations of believers and it will definitely impact you. More importantly, it has provided a simple key to a better life for hundreds of thousands of Christians all over the world and will allow you to help others in Yeshua’s name.
In the video you will experience this teaching. The video was recorded in Auckland, New Zealand and is two sessions in one recording. As you listen to the message you will hear Derek talk about the first time he ministered on releasing someone from a curse.
a little later I was ministering in a church, a Presbyterian Church somewhere in what they call the Midwest of the United States. I had finished my message and I was standing behind the pulpit. I didn’t quite know what I was going to do next and I saw a family on the front seat on my left: father, mother and teenage daughter. And as I looked at them I felt the Holy Spirit said there is a curse over that family. I hadn’t preached on that, I wasn’t thinking about that and I didn’t quite know what to do about it. So I just waited and it came very clearly again “there is a curse over that family.”

Now the Presbyterian Church Derek talks about is where our fellowship met in Kansas City. The pastor of that church allowed our ministry to use their great basement facilities to hold our meetings. We would pack the place with a much larger congregation than he had. But the good Reverend saw the Lord move and wanted to support what he saw the Spirit doing. Further into the message you will hear Derek talk about anti-semitism.
“Ruth and I have a very good friend who is a Palestinian Arab born in Haifa, an American citizen who had a dramatic encounter with Jesus some years ago. I led him into the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He was a millionaire at the time. After he was saved, listen to this, he became bankrupt. He had the sense to say, “God, what are you telling me?” God said, “I’m dealing with your pride.” But God also showed him something, that he and all his ancestors had regularly cursed the Jewish people. And believe me, I’ve lived amongst the Arabs in Palestine. It’s normal, they all do it basically, with a few exceptions. God showed him that if he would change that attitude he would restore his blessing. He repented and asked God to give him love for the Jewish people. And he is a Palestinian Arab who is more pro Israel than most Jews. And he’s now a multi-millionaire. See? How important it is to discover the causes that are at work in your life.”
That millionaire business man’s wife was in the home group that I taught. W had e all prayed for the businessman for years. After he accepted Christ, Derek assigned me the task of trying to save his business, but it was too far gone. The business man and his wife joined Derek and our ministry team on a ministry trip to Israel in 1978.
As I’ve taught on blessings and curses these past 30 years I’ve seen amazing things happen in people’s lives. But what you need to know is that I’ve fought this battle to be free from generational curses myself. Those that know the ministry of Derek Prince would find it difficult to believe that any of us that were fortunate to travel with Derek would personally have struggled in this area, but struggle I have.
Now I want to make this video by Derek, Release from the Curse, available to you.
Thanks for reading,
Can you send me the vidio to email released from the curse thank you
Hi Billy, thanks for contacting me. I’ve emailed you the link, and also fixed it on the blog page. Blessings